A few months ago, I wrote: I started my day off right! As I prepared myself to assemble together with other believers, I went through the drive-thru at McDonalds to get my Sausage McMuffin meal with a medium Iced Vanilla Coffee. This has become my Sunday morning ritual. If I do not have my McDonalds on Sunday’s I feel a bit off. Maybe it’s the caffeine! In any event, I guess it is a form of luxury I aim to receive, since I do not eat out very much anymore. I tend to take the time and cook meals and make sandwiches in order to gain a much healthier physique.
Last night, I slept very well, but when it came to this morning I had my standard wake up call. About 3 seconds before the alarm clock went off, I woke up. This happens almost everyday. I am not sure how or why. It is actually quite scary! Have I become so scheduled that I can wake up about 3 seconds before my alarm clock goes off, even if the time is set different each morning? If I am to be honest the answer is yes. Okay, I will claim it, I am a nice guy, but I have become a “Type A Personality.”
This morning I was full of energy and ready to go, but the only thing is my coordination was not. Not only was my coordination off, but I also am in a very joking mood. I have been cutting up all morning. Yes, I have fun normally, but I mean more than normal. I also feel a bit tired, although I slept well and long enough.
Sometimes it is just like that in leadership. You can do everything right, but you just do not feel like yourself. You just do not seem like everything is perfect. You can make mistakes and feel like you’ve done the worst job you ever have. When those type of days happen, it is important to realize you are not alone. There are days where we all are more critical concerning our performance than other days. Those days are those when you just want to roll over and go back to sleep. But since you are already awake, let me remind you that these days are just reminders that you are not perfect and hopefully, they will remind you that others are not perfect either. These days help to give us balance and help to remind us of where we came from. Personal reflection is important when these types of days come, so that you can manage other days even better.
Do not roll over and go back to sleep, instead realize there is something that can be learned from these types of days. Others may not even notice you are having a rough day, but even if they do, they will realize something very important, you are human — and that’s okay!
*egg from PD