I Hate Everything About You

Think about it, there has to be someone you just can’t stand. This person is probably someone you just don’t understand why they do the things they do. Maybe they get on your nerves and you think about running for the hills every time they come near. You know the type of people I am talking about, those you duck to avoid in the supermarket. No admission necessary, but I am sure there are those you work with or even your employees that you avoid by ducking beside the next cubicle in sight. Yes, you may be laughing to yourself right now and thinking, “your right!” These are the people who proably can make you angry simply by opening their mouths and talking to you. You can say right now, “I hate to deal with that person!”

Leaders must be careful not to allow those who they cannot stand to become those they hate. Hate is something that creeps in slowly and does not happen overnight. There is nothing wrong with not getting along with someone, sometimes there are people who we just have conflicts with because of clashing peronsilities, but this does not have to become a trait of hate. We should never be able to say, “I hate that person!” Historically hate has been the cause of the destruction of many. Hate was that which existed within Nazi Germany, hate drove Stalin, and hate has continued to be destructive in many forms causing national calamities and wars worldwide. There is no reason to allow hate to creep in and begin an organizational war. Organizational wars will destruction.

It is extremely important to constantly note your attitude when dealing with others. Your attidue is crucial in organizational conflict resolution, in dealing with employees, and in growing your organization. Negative attitudes spread like wildfires throughout causing destruction, thus it is necessary to carefully examine your personal state of being. Here are some steps to help evealuate your attitude:

1. Learn more about the person you cannot stand.
2. Be willing to listen, especially when you disagree.
3. Allow conflict to exist in a constructive manner.
4. Settle conflicts as soon as possible.
5. Be willing to admit your wrong.

“But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment!…” (Matthew 5:22, NLT, 1996).

Holy Bible: New Living Translation. (1996). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House.

Dr. Justin Hardcastle

Dr. Justin Hardcastle (1982) was born in Sacramento, California, grew up in multiple cities and states, and returned to The Greater Sacramento Area in 1996. For 20 years, he established influence as a leader and continues to build influence today. He teaches as a professor, special education teacher, and continues to provide leadership in multiple realms. He has won several awards. Justin is an American author, recording artist, and founder of The Leadership Bulletin, Hardcastle Solutions, and Northview Church, Inc. His life-long mission is to empower, encourage, and equip others to reach their fullest potential.

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