Are you feeling the overwhelming pressure from your boss? There are many reasons why one may feel pressure from other leaders. Here is a break down of three (3) I have found below:
1. Your boss makes you feel like you are not doing enough.
If your boss makes you feel like you are not doing a good enough job, then you need to sit down with them and have an open and honest conversation to figure out why this is happening. You may find there are areas you can grow in. Your boss may be trying to lead you to grow. If so, set goals and markers to achieve growth. Another option here is that you really do not fully understand your job requirements, which makes for a good reason to go over your job description with your boss. The last option here is that your boss is just putting you down, in which you need to evaluate how you can best approach this with your boss in a conversation.
2. You are attempting to read the leaders mind and are placing expectations on yourself.
You may be a worry wort and place ideas in others heads. As a leader you must learn to get over this. Have an open an honest conversation to find out if there is a genuine concern from those over you and get the truth. If you are “trying to read someone’s mind,” STOP IT! This will only create stress in your life. Do not imagine what others do not communicate to you. Have confidence in your own abilities and ask your boss to let you know if there is ever anything you should work on. Until your boss approaches you, consider all is well.
3. You are feeling guilty, because you are not doing what you should be doing.
If you are not doing what you should be doing, you should be feeling guilty. Vince Lombardi said,
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
In order to be successful you must put in the hard work it takes to achieve your goals. One cannot simply sit through life expecting things to be handed to them. You can work hard and accomplish your goals. Do not allow the guilt to disway you, but pick yourself up, dust off and put your hands to work and you will sense the great pleasure of accomplishment that comes with it, rather than the guilt.